
Multimedia can be defined as presenting the media in more than one medium, thus as the name implies, multimedia is the integration of multiple forms of media like voice, sound, text, data, graphics, video, animation etc. For e.g., a presentation involving video clips and audio would be known as "multimedia presentation".


Multimedia presentations :

Multimedia presentations are having the broad array of applications like conferencing, presentations, training, referencing, games, etc.

Benefits of Multimedia: Integrated and interactive Easy to understand Easy to use Conducive to cooperative work environment Flexible Supportive of large audience Reduced Learning Time Increased Retention Levels and Motivation Cater to Individual Learning Styles We offers a complete range of multimedia solutions from stimulating graphic design to corporate branding; from effective search engine marketing campaigns to multimedia presentations that work and add value to your business.

Flash Websites :

Flash is vector-graphics animation technology developed by macromedia, which is browser independent and bandwidth friendly. It contains streaming animation, with special effects, sound, button animations, scrolling text; slide show pictures and even flash movies, complete with sound and interactivity.Flash is also used to highly creative, animated and dynamic websites. Flash websites contains integration of various media like text, graphics, animation, special effects, sound etc to make an attractive and creative and attractive websites.Flash web sites is likely to be rendered identically on all browsers and computer platforms and Flash movies can be stored in very small file sizes, so they can download and start playing rapidly.
